It began as a joke. I would routinely geek out on management theory, software development best practices, corporate policy, cool products and cutting edge technology. After all my speculating and theorizing, my friends would facetiously advise me that when I ran my own business, I could do it all. When you start JohnCorp ... [insert pie-in-the-sky idea here].
Then one friend actually had the audacity to say it out loud: what's stopping us from starting JohnCorp?
A excellent question. We all knew the answer. We were too comfortable letting other people do the hard work of putting themselves out there and starting businesses. However, slowly this small seed of an idea began to grow into something real. This website is the first step in the journey to building a real company. For now we will call it JohnCorp to remember that there is always a bit of truth in any joke.
My name is John Secord, and I would like to welcome you to my website. It is a work in progress (it would be bittersweet if I ever could say the website was complete) and it includes pages on various technologies and products, photos, and my own musings. Feel free to leave comments and give suggestions.